
Mandalorian super commando captain
Mandalorian super commando captain

The commandos fought Separatist General Grievous' forces when they arrived.

mandalorian super commando captain

Together, they escaped to Zanbar's former Death Watch base where the commandos continued to serve Maul. In the aftermath of the Battle of Sundari, the commandos Rook Kast and Commander Gar Saxon rescued Maul on the order of Prime Minister Almec, the Mandalorian politician who served as a figurehead in Maul's government. Maul was taken to a Separatist prison facility on Stygeon Prime. " The war you have waited your entire lives to fight is upon us, my brothers! Victory or death!" ―Maul During the battle, several commandos were killed by Darth Sidious, Maul's Sith Master, who then subdued and captured his former Sith apprentice. However, his status as Vizsla's successor was disputed by Bo-Katan Kryze, leading to a civil war in the Mandalorian capital city of Sundari between Maul's commandos and Kryze's Nite Owls, a group of warriors who left instead of submit to Maul's rule.

mandalorian super commando captain

Some warriors, including Gar Saxon, even placed horns on his helmet that were emblematic of the Dathomirian Nightbrother. Before sporting the blue markings of Death Watch they rebranded their armor in black and red to show allegiance to their new ruler, painting their helmets and customizing their armor with handprints. The Mandalorian super commandos consisted of Death Watch soldiers who were loyal to the renegade Sith Lord Maul, leader of the Shadow Collective, who killed Pre Vizsla and took control of Mandalore during the Clone Wars. A Mandalorian super commando loyal to Maul.

Mandalorian super commando captain