
Refresh all tabs firefox
Refresh all tabs firefox

refresh all tabs firefox

# if was empty, default set to name of browser, firefox/chrome/opera/etc. # whether to use SHIFT+CTRL+R to force reload without cache I'm a vim user, and I could see making an autocommand to automatically trigger this script whenever a given file was written, so the browser would refresh when appropriate, I know you can do the same.

refresh all tabs firefox

I use this often by putting browser in background, with editor window set to 'ON-TOP' so it's always visible, hot-key this script, or call it from your editor, and it'll return your focus when it's done. It should flip to your browser, reload the page, then flip back to whatever window you called this from. You can set a default browser, so you don't need to supply one each time, and you can change whether you send a CTRL-R to reload, or SHIFT-CTRL-R to reload without cache. If you supply the name of the browser as an argument, it'll find and reload the current page. It uses xdotool, which lets you script windows/desktop actions.

Refresh all tabs firefox